Innovation & Tools

Our action groups support financial innovation and impact measurement for agrifood system investment

Action Group 1: Financial Innovation

Group Leads: Acumen and CSAF

Action group 1 supports and amplifies members’ efforts on the structuring and development of innovative science-backed finance vehicles which are climate and nature-positive. It focuses on pipeline development through learning dissemination and partnerships for acceleration of agribusinesses.

Financial instrument development

CLIC worked with the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab) to analyze the InvestHER Climate Resilience Bond, Uganda’s first gender and climate bond. Read more

Knowledge sharing

The Lab shared examples of the financial instruments it endorses and invited proposals from CLIC members. Learn more about CLIC's partnership with the Lab on Agriculture and Food Systems.

Learning session

Acumen shared details of its Trellis initiative, which drives early-stage capital to agribusinesses in emerging markets through equity investments.

Action Group 2: Tools, Methods and Knowledge Co-Creation

Group Lead: CGIAR

Action Group 2 enhances impact investing by improving risk assessment and impact measurement in agrifood system interventions, using effective data collection tools and methodologies.

It aims to promote and support members’ efforts to test/pilot risk assessment and impact monitoring tools and systems.

Learning session

CGIAR ImpactSF demonstrated its tools to assess the climate and nature impacts of the agribusinesses presenting at the CLIC Connector showcase at the Africa Food Systems Forum (AFSF). It also presented its OneSFAnalyzer tool to assess investments at pre-screening or screening stage.

Learning session

Colleagues from Acumen's Resilient Agriculture Fund (ARAF) presented the Agriculture Resilience Investment Screen (ARIS) and Climate Resilience Impact measurement framework.

Learning session

The UK Government's Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) presented its Biodiversity Indicator Framework.

Our action groups meet quarterly, giving a platform for CLIC members and external speakers to share knowledge with the coalition.

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